Inventor runs engines on 'Proton Cell'
"BJ" explains how his version of the Joe Cell works, and why it works, giving specific instructions about how he has been able to achieve repeated success.
by Sterling D. Allan, with "BJ"
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2006
When you have built your Proton Cell it should look something like this -- essentially the same as a Joe Cell. (Picture rounded up from net.) |
BUNDABERG, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA -- An inventor in the Bundaberg area has been able to operate around fifteen different engines on the Joe Cell alone, with no fuel line connected. He contacted me to begin the process of providing a demonstration as well as full disclosure of how the technology works; and has worked closely with me in the composition of this piece.
Most of his engines were outside of a vehicle, though he has gotten vehicles to run on such engines as well -- with no petrol fuel coming to the engine.
Partially due to financial restraints, it will be a month or two before he will be ready for the New Energy Congress to come in and run a full set of validation tests. So this report is merely a recitation of BJ's claims, with no other credibility than one man's word and the extent to which it resonates with what is already known from other reports that have been given.
BJ wishes to make it clear that all this advice is based solely on his own personal failures and successes, and that by no means does he think it to be the last word on this type of cell.
He shares this information in the hope of increasing the likelihood of others being able to succeed, helping them avoid needless and expensive failures.
Suppression in Australia
The stories of suppression do not seem to be as widespread in Australia as they are in other areas of the world, such as in the United States. However, Australia has not been immune from such cases.
Joe, who the cell is generally named after, told BJ that the University of New South Wales ran a 1976 Leyland V8 on a bench for months with no radiator. It ran cold, and they could not figure out why it was running.
I asked why that was not plastered all over the news.
BJ replied that the professor doing the experiments died for some unknown reason.
More recently, BJ said he heard of "two people in Southern Australia received beatings and threats because they succeeded in running a car on a water cell."
He also said, "an elderly farmer near Lismore had two trucks, a car, and a tractor running from cells. Joe told me he was to be interviewed by a television crew, but then he disappeared, and all running vehicles were taken away. Joe located him three months later, heavily drugged in a mental institution with amnesia.
Joe has received numerous death threats.
Off the Backburner
BJ discovered this phenomenon on his own in 2000, then later learned of the Joe Cell, and has spent a lot of time with Joe, comparing notes. In all, he's spent thousands of hours in experimentation on this, along with extensive reading up on the supporting science -- both established physics as well as cutting-edge.
I took 23 pages of notes in my four-hour chat with him, and will say that this information could easily fill a good book. I've distilled it down here to the most fundamental elements, with extensive input from BJ.
He is just now getting involved again in this research, having put it on the backburner in 2001 after coming under heavy and obtrusive surveillance for about nine months. "They left me alone after I phoned around to try and find out who was doing it", he said. "I think it was the Federal Police, though they denied it."
Not wanting a repeat of that, he has chosen to remain anonymous, so far as any public disclosures are concerned. For our purposes here, we will call him "BJ". Though he wishes to protect his anonymity, he is more than glad to share what he knows, and to tell how he did what he did, and why he thinks it works.
Good News for the Joe Cell Crew
BJ's disclosures will come as a breath of fresh air to the community of researchers worldwide who have been trying to replicate the Joe Cell effect, but largely to no avail. He seems to have hit on a lot of answers and explanations that will resonate with that group, which numbers somewhere in the hundreds, if not in the low thousands. (See
Considering the number of people knowledgeable about the fundamentals of this process, it is not inconceivable that within days of this report being published a whole slew of people will begin reporting success in being able to run an engine on a Joe/Proton Cell. In many cases, all they need to do is to anneal and quench the cell they have built, and they will be ready to go.
Wide Array of Proton Cell Applications and Effects
Though his technology is definitely the same as the Joe Cell technology, BJ calls it a "Proton Cell", inasmuch as he thinks that the energy is coming from hydrogen atoms from which the electron has been stripped, allowing them to slide easily through metal into the combustion chamber where they catalyze regular air coming in through the carburetor to burn in an implosive reaction.
This Proton Cell is just one of a several inventions he has come up with. He has devised a very simple and inexpensive way to purify water, using a similar principle to what he thinks is involved in the cell. He also has a couple of health devices that are also simple while producing profound benefits. one of these health gadgets addresses the electromagnetic pollution to which we are subjected heavily in our modern world. The second device uses pulsed voltage to assist healing.
Weather modification, transmutation of elements, and anti-gravity are additional spin-off technologies related to the Proton Cell. He said that Joe has seen the same thing with his cell.
Proton Cell Compared to Joe Cell
While there are a lot of similarities between BJ's Proton Cell and the Joe Cell plans that are in wide circulation, there are some important differences. These differences don't constitute a different end result or a different modality as much as they represent a correction of inadequacies in some of the present Joe Cell plans being widely used.
Those who have apparently had success in achieving the result of a Joe Cell running an engine with the fuel line disconnected, have done so without knowing all that made it work. So their explanations to others were inadequate, inadvertently resulting in hundreds, if not thousands of failed attempts at replication.
BJ appears to have identified all the crucial components, and articulates here what is required to achieve eureka.
Finding the Right Water
The crux of what happens in a Proton Cell, according to BJ, is that "dead" water, is first rejuvenated and magnetized, at which point it can do fantastic things -- like run an engine, with no consumption of fuel, including the water in the cell. Remember, too, that the cell is not hooked up to electricity when it is running an engine. There is no man-infused input.
The culinary water that comes from municipal sources is nearly always "dead" according to BJ. The impellers on the pumps and the chemicals added take away its life force. Thus BJ typically uses rainwater in his cell. He has also used water that has been purified by reverse osmosis. "Dead water will not work," he said.
In another invention, he has devised a method for purifying and revitalizing dead water. The invention is very simple. It consists of 100 meters of pipe in line with the earth's magnetic field. A speaker magnet is placed at the input and output ends, also aligned with the earth's magnetic field. That alignment can be deduced by suspending the magnet by a thread and observing which way it orients, then fastening it to the outside of the pipe in that orientation. on the input end of the pipe, the magnet is situated about six inches before some ribs that are cut into the pipe to cause the water to spin as it passes by them. on the output end is the same configuration, but with the spin prior to the magnets. Mirky water goes in one end, and purified water comes out the other. And the crud is not collected in the pipe. That technology obviously is deserving of further attention and development.
Microwave transmissions are another thing that meddles with water's natural form. High-rise buildings often have microwave transmitters at the top, so collecting rainwater in that environment would not be advisable.
"Pure water is the best dielectric," BJ says. He illustrates this to people by taking an electric drill and submerging it in a barrel of pure water, while the drill is on, then running the drill completely under water! (Don't try this at home unless the water reads zero TDS (total dissolved solids).)
Magnetizing the Water
What the Proton Cell does is take this pure water and align it magnetically. The voltage introduced between the cathode (innermost ring) and anode (outermost ring) creates a scalar magnetic potential that entrains the water. "In the process of this alignment all previously stored memories of frequencies are erased and the water is restructured."
This magnetized, pure water, is then able to entrain the surrounding media (the water jacket and metals of the host engine) to reproduce the same frequencies on an atomic level.
The protons that emerge from the cell, channeled by the hose to the engine, then pass easily through the engine block, where they catalyze the indrawn atmospheric air to combust implosively.
The Stainless Steel Has to be Non-Magnetic
Having the right water, is one key to a properly-functioning Proton Cell. Another key is that the stainless steel used in the cell needs to be free of any magnetic attraction.
One way BJ recommends to detect if there is magnetism in the stainless steel is to suspend a neodymium magnet by a thread, and then dangle it near the steel. It shouldn't deflect at all, anywhere near the entire surface. This is far more sensitive than merely holding a neodymium magnet by hand. The level of magnetism that can cause the proton cell to not work is much less than can be felt by holding the magnet by hand.
Most so-called "non-magnetic" stainless steel is slightly magnetic or can become so by cold working, polishing, and welding. BJ recommends that the tubes of the telescopic cell be extruded, not welded from sheets. Specifically, he recommends ISTM A269 Grade 316, "which is still slightly magnetic but will work successfully. There are other grades as well but I have not tested them yet. It appears that A269Grade 316L seamless tube is extremely non magnetic; but each piece needs to be tested with the neodymium magnet on a string method."
"No attraction is desirable but extremely faint attraction will still work."
The one exception to this is that the outer-most cylinder of the cell can be Tig welded to the base plate. For some reason, a little magnetism in that position does not seem to be detrimental to the cell function. "Make sure the Tig welding rod used is the same grade as the stainless used."
The lid, however, is crucial, and should not have any magnetism in it.
Non-Magnetic Lid Fabrication
It is not feasible to shape the lid the way it should be without introducing magnetism into the stainless steel. So after the lid formation is completed, it should be annealed in a high-temperature kiln (around 1100° F), and then quenched. That will remove the magnetism.
Most industrial machine shops are adequately familiar both with how to shape the lid per spec as well as how to anneal and quench it when it is done.
When the lid has been shaped, you will see a rainbow of coloring in the metal. This goes away after the anneal/quench process.
"Warning! Machine polishing can make the stainless magnetic. All polishing should be done by hand using wet and dry paper."
I would think that one would want to similarly treat the outmost cylinder that has been Tig-welded at the bottom, to remove the magnetism in the weld. BJ agrees that this would be beneficial, though not essential.
Lid Samples The rounding in the left lid, tapering gradually from where it seats onto the cell, is good. The 45-degree taper in the right lid, going into the nipple is good, but could be more smooth of a turn. The sharp corner in the left cover, going into the nipple, is too abrupt. |
While the exact shape of the lid is not that crucial, it is important that it not have any sharp corners.
BJ recommend that the lid have a friction fit around the outside of the outer cylinder. It should then taper toward a 45-degree or a 90-degree angle. Then it should taper into the nipple where the hose fits onto it. The 45-degree angled lid is probably best -- like an up-side-down funnel. Bill William's lid was 90-degrees, and it worked.
Once the lid is friction fit onto the cell, some kind of tape can be used to prevent leakage of fluid from the cell. There needs to be a continuous electrical connection around the perimeter of the cell with the lid on the cell, so a gasket fitting would not be appropriate.
on a dark night, when the cell is charging, you can see dancing light effects through the nipple near the top of the taper. I believe the word for this phenomena is called triboluminescence. The fact that this happened in the narrowest part of the taper points to some kind of concentrating effect akin to causing more electricity to pass through smaller wire. Blue light is associated with orgone energy, and proton energy, as well as high voltage discharges."
Cell Shape Not Crucial
BJ says that the cell configuration is not crucial. He has used flat plates as well as telescopic. The important principle is to use non-magnetic materials, and to set up a voltage gradient. The neutral plates should be spaced evenly between the anode and cathode plates, and can be as far apart as one inch, or as close as 1/8th of an inch. BJ usually stays within 1/4 to 1/2 inch spacing between plates.
This is not an electrolysis paradigm. The objective is not to electrolyze the water into hydrogen and oxygen. In fact, this should be avoided. When a cell is electrolyzing, it is not charging the water. The objective is to generate charged water in the cell, which is then applied to the engine -- not to produce hydrogen/oxygen gas.
The Proton/Joe Cell set-up is not designed to produce hydrogen/oxygen (Brown's) gas to be fed into the air intake. This is not a hydrogen boost scenario.
Types of Insulators
BJ has found only four types of insulator that work well in these cells: clear polycarbonate tube, balsa wood, pine doweling, and clear glass. But there are many others that have apparently worked well for some people. Polycarbonate tubing is difficult to work with, but can be cut into segments for spacing.
If your chosen insulators are leaking energy, the cell will slowly die. This is evident because the voltage potential measured via multimeter between the cathode and anode will slowly drop to well below half a volt. "My cells can sit on the bench for months without recharging yet never drop below one volt."
"If the insulators are failing they will allow electricity / energy to travel around the outer surface of these insulators, resulting in serious damage to the stainless, all around where the insulators contact the alloy, leaving deep etch marks up to three paper thicknesses deep during charging. This kind of structural damage will lessen the chances of success. Such a cell will not hold energy potential, and you are wasting your time trying to run a car from this cell."
Cleanliness & Transmutation
BJ and Joe have observed that a small sample of certain substance placed in the cell will be duplicated over a period of hours when electricity is applied to the cell. BJ has seen this with a couple of dozen compounds including sulfuric acid, alcohol, CFCs, and Mango fruit. Given enough time (e.g. around 24 hours), and the proper current and voltage, a substantial portion of the water appears to transforms into the introduced element, carrying all its properties. "Some kind of hydrogen replication effect on an atomic level," BJ conjectures.
One time, BJ observed one of his engines run on a small volume of gasoline that was being created on the spot. This was witnessed by a mechanical engineer, who, for the hour that the engine ran, checked numerous times for possible sources of fuel. The engine would have run for maybe two to five minutes on the amount of fuel that was present. The CO/CO2 and other emissions were definitely the product of petrol combustion.
"The engine will not run on proton energy until every last drip of petrol has been consumed, or else it will continue to run as though petrol were being supplied to the engine even with fuel lines disconnected." Some petrol can be trapped in the corner of the fuel filter and remain for extended periods until it finally evaporates.
Considering this apparent transmutation phenomenon, it is important when assembling the cell that you try to be as clean as possible. BJ cleans his stainless steel with methylated spirits, and wears cotton gloves while assembling the cell.
He thinks that not doing this is most likely why many Joe Cell researchers find scum build-up in their cells. It is a replication of any crud that was introduced during assembly, or that was contained in the water. one must especially stay away from grease and oil, including the natural oil/grease from fingers.
Obviously, this effect alone, if real, opens an entire field of study with far-reaching ramifications. While one might not be able to replicate anything larger than a molecule, it could come in very handy for inexpensively producing perfumes, drinks, fuels, and other liquid commodities.
The electrolytic capacity of the water will change as the water is transmuted, becoming more conductive, requiring a modification of the input voltage and current to maintain an optimal level and avoid heating.
Cell Charging Method
Once the cell is assembled, you are now ready to add the water and charge it. BJ advises that the cell be charged before hooking it up to an engine.
BJ prefers to fill his cell all the way to the top of the outer cylinder, which is a few inches higher than the cathode and neutral cylinders inside. He recommends that the water be at least an inch above the cathode and neutral cylinders.
A 12 volt car battery is used to power the cell. (BJ has successfully used as small as 3 V and as much as 30 V.) If using AC rectified, use a full-wave rectifier. An electrolytic capacitor can be added to the full wave rectifier to smooth out the quality of the DC voltage delivery.
Position the cell away from power cables, lights and all other sources of electromagnetic/alternating-current pollution. For best results, charge the cell on a wooden bench at least three feet from the ground for about ten to twenty minutes, depending on the water quality.
As the cell charges, the water expands, pushing some water out the top of the cell. BJ doesn't put anything under the cell to catch this spillage onto his wooden bench, saying that "it adds beneficial energy to the work area. This is useful when working with this energy. Joe told me that the energy in his shed was so powerful that even people who could not get their cells working at home were able to succeed in his shed."
When the cell is fully charged, large bubbles will cover the surface of the cell. (Most of the bubbles spill out when the water overflows). If the bubbles collapse quickly when the leads are disconnected, you have an insulation leak either in the main insulators or below the anode, between the body and anode case. When the cell is working properly, some bubbles will remain on the water surface for days, and will implode violently if ignited. This indicates that you have a fully aligned cell, with no additional charge required.
When charging the cell for use with an engine, not transmutation, there is no need to regulate the voltage.
"If you make a cell specifically to experiment with transmutation of elements (creating compounds), long charge periods are required (up to 12 hours). It all depends on what your cell is duplicating. If sulfuric or other acids are cloned, the water conductivity will increase dramatically, leading to increased electrical resistance; and the cell will run extremely hot. This requires patience and careful observation, but it is greatly rewarding to see things take place that are only mentioned in cold fusion reactions (transmutation of elements)."
After you have charged the water in the cell, pour the charged water into a glass container. Rinse the cell with distilled water. When all impurities have settled from the charged water in the secondary container, slowly tip the charged water back into the cell, leaving the impurities behind. If the cell is working properly, the residue will settle in a few hours. If the cell is working less than optimally, you may need to allow the residue to settle overnight.
If the cell is properly insulated, the magnetic charge should persist indefinitely, especially if two neutrals are placed between the cathode and anode. Compromises in the insulation will result in a gradual discharge of the electromagnetic properties of the water.
Amazing Water Properties
The water that has been charged in a cell has numerous astonishing properties.
For example, BJ describes pouring some of the water into a polluted creek, and the water around it cleared for nearly six feet in diameter around where the water was poured.
He says that Joe has given it to people who have drunk the water and had various ailments clear up, such as cancer. Apparently the charged water reprograms the water within the human body (like the polluted creek), causing the body to release toxins in similar manner.
It is the water that enables an engine to run, not the cell. "The cell creates the environment that organizes the water into a charge separation and re-polarization of its crystal structure. The water then channels protons from the host cell through the delivery tube to the engine, extending its energetic nature to reprogram the metal and water (in the cooling system) into its charged atomic, energetic state."
One time, BJ added charged water directly to a car's coolant system. Two things happened. The coolant dropped out of solution, and the engine ran on the proton energy, though no cell was attached to the car. If the car runs cool enough on proton energy (and engines thus running generally do run relatively cool), this method could be much easier than installing the cell in the engine compartment. Just how long it would last has yet to be documented.
This being the case, on would think that any engine that has a charged cell applied to it will see the anti-freeze drop out of suspension, similar to what was observed when water was added directly to the coolant. BJ thinks this will be true. "Charged water will not hold dissolved solids in suspension as will dead water, which holds everything in suspension." Joe has observed the same thing.
BJ said, "I sat charged water next to a bucket of dirty water, which began to slowly rotate counter-clockwise. Then all suspended dirt fell to the bottom as I watched."
Works on Air-Cooled Engines Too
While an engine's coolant system provides a simple way to entrain an engine, the proton cell effect also works on air-cooled engines, which opens this application to motorcycles, for example.
BJ got the cell to work on a bench-mounted Kohler engine, designed as a multi-purpose, stationary work engine. The V Twin fuel-injected engine with electronic ignition and fuel injection, is air cooled.
Weather Modification
"When you run one of these Proton Cells outside, with the lid off, you can see a small clearing in the sky directly overhead, where the protons are rapidly ascending", said BJ. "I've routinely seen rain spawned on what began as cloudless days. It is not unusual to see rainstorms in the vicinity of my home, and nowhere else. Very often you get an inrush of air when the cell is turned on. These effects don't happen as much when you're inside, because there is enough mass to absorb or deflect the rising protons."
BJ has tried to get the Australian government to implement this for drought relief, but so far they have not taken him seriously.
Cloud busters were originally designed by Wilhelm Reich. (Ref.) This rain-making technology was successfully used to create rain in Arizona, USA in the 1980s. There are many similarities between this orgone energy advanced by Reich, and Proton Cells.
One thing to bear in mind when using these cells is that such interactions with the atmosphere are easily detectable by weather satellites. If security is a concern, blowing holes in the clouds (immediate vicinity, while propagating rain generally), might not be a good idea for keeping yourself anonymous from the powers that be.
Installing the Cell to an Engine
After the cell is charged, you should not touch it with your bare hands because that will slowly discharge it. Use some kind of low-level insulator such as dry paper or gloves to hold the cell and transport it to the engine for installation.
The cell needs to be insulated from the car and/or engine, except for the cathode post that protrudes from the bottom of the cell, which should be connected electrically to the body of the car or engine. The insulating material can be of a regular sort, not special like is required inside the cell.
The cell needs to be situated as far away as possible from higher voltage lines in the engine compartment. If there is no suitable location in the engine compartment, you might try installing it in the passenger bay, running the hose through the fire wall. The trunk could also be used, so long as an up-hill rise can be maintained in the hose leading from the cell to the engine.
Once the cell is charged, it doesn't need to be connected electrically to the car battery. But the cathode does need to be connected electrically to the car (ground). The anode portion of the cell, continuing through the hose leading from the cell, needs to be insulated from the car.
Connecting the Hose from the Cell to the Engine
The hose running from the lid of the cell to the engine can be composed of just about any non-magnetic material. BJ typically uses a plastic hose or a stainless steel tube. An aluminum tube will work too.
You should avoid any sharp turns in the hose, inasmuch as most protons will pass right through the sharp turns, rather than be guided to where you want them to go.
"The cell delivery tube must be slightly lower than the destination point on the engine because proton energy will not travel in a downward direction." This could pose engineering challenges for vehicles such as jeeps that will encounter significant inclines. BJ responds: "The cell can be mounted in a low position even below the engine mounting level on the body. Then the delivery tube can rise to a high position on the motor. Rising sharply is no problem." (See note below about removing a cell from an engine that has been entrained, to see that achieving a functional up-hill hose orientation is not a crucial issue.)
The entire length of the hose should be insulated electrically from the car. It should be treated electrically as an extension of the anode of the cell, even if it is electrically non-conductive. The path of the hose should avoid any higher voltage sources, such as the spark plug leads, the distributor, and the coil.
The end of the hose should be situated no more than four inches from the engine block, but should not electrically touch the engine block, and should ideally be oriented so that the emerging protons can penetrate into the cylinders through the metal.
Converting the Engine to Run on the Proton Cell
Remember, now that your cell is charged, you do not need to connect the cell to the battery in the car, nor should you.
Once the charged cell has been installed, with the hose leading to the engine block, properly insulated, the next step is to convert the engine to run on carburetor air via the proton energy catalyst.
This is not as simple as just disconnecting the fuel line and then running the engine on the proton cell. There is a transition that takes place.
BJ describes the fuel actually beginning to flow backward, away from the engine, as the proton energy begins to take over.
Do not begin to adjust the timing until after the proton energy effect has fully kicked in. The engine will run without the timing being adjusted, but does not achieve its full potential until the timing has been advanced.
You can tell that the effect has fully kicked in when you can disconnect the fuel line and the engine continues to run. Remember to check the emissions, though, because it could be running from the petrol-duplication effect. Be sure all of the petrol has passed out of the system.
Once the engine is running on air, via the proton input, the timing will need to be advanced until the engine runs smoothly. "The engine will tell you when you have found the right position, because it will run ragged either side of the correct position, but will run smoothly when the correct timing position has been reached. The engine will not run from petrol in this new timing position."
You may want to let the engine run like this, without going anywhere, for two or three days, to entrain the system, so that the system will be more impervious to external "frequencies" you might be subjected to while driving down the street.
Once this has been done, it should drive just fine, but with significantly more power and pick-up. The increase is around two-fold.
Not only does the engine have more power, but it can rev up to much higher rpms without stressing the engine.
The accelerator still functions to govern the speed of the engine. The ignition key still functions to start and stop the car, inasmuch as the starter motor is still required to get the engine turning; and shutting off power to the spark plugs will shut the engine off.
BJ says Joe's engine ran without a distributor cap or plug leads, so be prepared for possible exceptions to this rule of ignition key being able to turn the car off; and make sure your brakes are in good condition.
BJ has been able to get fuel injected petrol engines and carburetor engines to work on the Proton Cell, but has not yet tried turbo powered petrol or diesel engines. Diesel injector pumps are designed to use diesel as a lubricant, so it stands to reason that some modification would be needed.
BJ has not yet done longevity studies, but intends to include this in the planned demonstration.
Cool Emissions
When the engine is running on nothing but air and the proton catalyst, the exhaust is clean. BJ says he has breathed it in, and it smells like clean air. The temperature is not hot either, just warm. He has not done extensive studies on the emissions. The emissions testing equipment can be cheaply purchased, if one wishes to investigate this area.
Implosive Reaction
The experimentation done on Proton Cells points to the reaction they induce being an implosive reaction, not explosive.
That is why the timing needs to be advanced so much on engines that run with the Proton cells. "I believe this is due to a plasma field effect," said BJ. "However this remains open to more investigation. I can only speculate on the exact processes taking place."
Why the engines run so much more quietly is another matter for more research.
When BJ's wife was using their Chrysler Sigma that had been converted over (without her knowing it), she couldn't hear the engine, and thought the car had stalled. When she turned the ignition on again, and heard the grinding of the starter motor, she realized that it was running. Then, she put her foot on the accelerator, and the car bolted with tremendous power. Nine months pregnant, and in the middle of a move, she was not very happy with her husband about having to drive home by herself for an hour that way. (The effect had kicked in fully after sitting over a storm culvert during a storm, at the place she was visiting.)
On non-distributor engines (most modern cars), the only way to adjust the timing is to do so artificially by physically slotting the crank angle sensor backing plate to allow adjustment (will most likely void the warranty -- as will the addition of the Proton Cell).
Carbureted and fuel-injected engines are really the only practical retrofit application of the technology without a from-the-ground-up design.
Anti-Gravity Effects
Some experimenters with the Joe Cell technology have reported the levitation of their vehicle in conjunction with the cell. Joe tells of a time when he witnessed all four wheels of a truck being lifted 1/4-inch off the ground. He was actually was able to pass his hands under the wheels.
BJ believes this has to do with a Schauberger effect that appears "when something reaches proton saturation."
Another effect that has been noted with Proton/Joe Cell usage has been reduced inertia when going around corners.
Scalar Waves and Metal Memory
For many years it has been scientifically recognized that water has a form of memory. Water crystals have been observed to change shape and structure as influenced by the emotions of humans.
All living things produce scalar waves. Our brain and body produce scalar electricity. "It is part of what allows us to think and move."
"The water within us is affected by frequencies. The same holds true of the water in Proton Cells."
It is scientific fact that various metals and alloys have a form of memory also. Take memory metal, for example, now widely used by surgeons due to its ability to be bent completely out of shape and remember its former shape at a given temperature.
Proton Cells -- both the water within them as well as the metals -- are affected by all frequencies in their environment. However, external influences diminish as a cell becomes trained in a function, becoming more impervious to externally imposed frequencies. When a cell is first being activated is when it is most susceptible to external frequencies. The same holds true of when a cell is first applied to an engine. After it has been trained, it becomes nearly impervious to external frequencies.
Disconnect Cell from Entrained Engine
BJ says that after the engine has become entrained, the cell can probably be removed. It is no longer needed.
The Chrysler Sigma that his wife had the hair-raising experience driving, had to be sold around the same time, as part of the move. BJ said that "the effects were still present after removing the cell, just before selling the car. Perhaps the new owner got some unexpected bonuses."
Conceptually one cell that is electromagnetically charged could be placed in an assembly line, entraining one car after another (given enough time on each), without having to be recharged, until the cell malfunctioned (e.g. shorted out). BJ responds: "Yes, the whole area will speed the reaction with constant use. Everything in the factory will be altered to the same energy as the cell."
"Until some yahoo walks in with a bad attitude?" I Skyped to BJ.
"When a car is running well on the Proton Cell, you won't see those effects", he said.
How to Reprogram a Cell
A malfunctioning proton cell can be cleared when it is behaving contrary to how it should operate electromagnetically.
"When a cell is assembled, we order the direction of the electrons flowing through the water between the cathode and anode by which way we decide to place the power supply leads. If negative (cathode) is placed in the middle of the cell with the positive (anode) on the outside then the most visible reaction will flow from negative to positive through the plates or tubes. An equally strong reaction will flow from the positive back through the water to reach the negative attempting to reestablish equilibrium because energy will naturally return back to its balanced state. But we don't want that to happen just yet.
"If any one of the cell plates or tubes has been imprinted with a magnetic polarity contrary to your chosen electrical polarity, then this cell plate or tube will oppose the energy flow of the entire cell system causing some of the electricity to flow in a counter rotation and completely backwards to all other cell plates. There is no way that this unit will ever run a car, because the water molecules can not be polarized in a cell that is fighting the flow of energy. With careful observation you can visibly see the reactions within the water actually running in the opposite direction to the other ALIGNED plates.
"There are only two solutions to remedy this problem. (A) Remove that reverse polarized plate or tube, throw it in the recycling bin and replace it with another piece. Nine times out of ten this will correct the problem. (B) Try annealing the piece to wipe the reverse field then start again."
How to Erase Frequencies from Stainless
Stainless steel has a molecular memory of sorts. If, for example, you expose the alloy to high frequency laser or plasma cutting technology, you have imprinted those frequencies into that alloy while cutting it, as assuredly as recording audio input on a recording tape or CD.
All unwanted frequencies can be erased using the following procedure.
- Completely drain the cell of water, turning it upside down to dry.
- Use an electrical extension lead. Remove the female plug, and fit alligator clamps to the positive and negative wires, making sure you leave sufficient length of bared wire for clamps to be separated adequately.
- Find a place where nobody can come anywhere near the cell (to avoid electrocution). Sit the cell in a dry plastic bucket.
- Join either clamp to the positive of the cell then join the other to the cell negative. It doesn't matter which, because AC alternates in both directions, changing polarity many times every second.
- Making sure that no human can come anywhere near the cell, plug the extension lead into the power point then turn the power on. Let the 240 volts AC flow through the cell for about two hours, then turn the power switch off. Pull the plug out of the power point and disconnect the clamps .
The cell's stainless plates or tubes have now been totally depolarized and scrubbed of all undesirable frequencies. This procedure is akin to a head demagnetizer.
Now the cell is ready to be filled and for you to hook up your DC power supply to attempt to align both the stainless steel and the water molecules. If everything is now free of reverse polarities, and the cell is adequately non-magnetic, the cell should now align itself. The water molecules within this water capacitor arrangement should now align to polarize, and the water should become magnetic.
Here's to Success
No technology is fool proof, but this technology is not complicated once understood. There must be a successful formula for every technology to operate. Hopefully, that is what has been provided here. "We just need to understand the way this technology wants to work. Then the results can be duplicated with a far higher success rate."
Pending Demo
BJ said that he would like to do a full video demonstration with a New Energy Congress witness present as soon as possible, but that it might take a month or so. He is dusting things off, and needs to get a suitable car to install it in. He estimates that he needs around $4000 US to pull this off. If you want to contribute toward the support of this project, BJ has authorized us here at PES Network to accept funds on his behalf.
# # #
Nov. 4, 2006 Radio Interview
BJ's Follow-up CommentsNov. 4, 2006 ( 1 ) Quarter to half inch is effective. I've found that no advantage is gained by increasing the cap further in my opinion. Please remember that these are only my personal observations. Some people may be equally successful using other methods. I am only sharing my own experimental results and encourage others to do likewise / B.J * * * * Nov. 9, 2006 If cleaning a cell to remove finger grease from the stainless parts never use solvents after the insulators have been installed, polycarbonate insulators for example will be destroyed by solvents. |
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